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Charlotte County Republican Clubs
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Charlotte County GOP Mission Statement
The Charlotte County Republican Party strives to be recognized as a powerful and influential voice for residents of our community by focusing on electing Republicans to office that support our platform, standards and values.
Organizational Vision
It is the vision of the Charlotte County Republican Party to be recognized as a powerful and influential voice for residents of our community; to seek sound governance rooted in our Governing Documents; and uphold those principles of Liberty as expressed in the U.S. Constitution.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill
THANK YOU FOR HELPING US GET DONALD TRUMP ELECTED: 2024 was a historic year which has put America on the path to save our Republic! The future of America was in your hands and you decisively voted to determine the type of life you, your children and all Americans will have going forward.
The Republican Party of Charlotte County still is asking for a little bit of your time, talents and treasures. Donations are our ONLY source of revenue, and whether you make a one-time contribution or a recurring donation, every gift helps us stay in operation and deliver the Conservative message and get Republicans elected who share your concerns, principles and values.
Please chip in and do your part by making a financial donation or volunteering some of your time at our headquarters at 2171 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte. You don’t have to be a registered Republican to donate – you just have to be a Patriot who wants to make our Republic even greater. Your generosity will help us keep our office open, pay our bills, promote conservative values and make a positive impact in our community.
Coretta Scott King reminded us, The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.
Charlotte County, the State of Florida and America are all wonderful places to live. Please show your compassion and help us keep them great. Our future depends on you and no one else!
In Liberty,
Bill Abbatematteo, Chairman
Charlotte County GOP